Midpage Banners

Insert different-sized midpage banners with a call-to-action on your landing pages to influence a conversion from your primary users.

Midpage single banner

The Midpage Single Banner is a page module similar to the Call-To-Action Banner, it is used within page content, typically the middle of a page.

  • Use: Highlight your main objectives such as to “apply” or “subscribe” to a newsletter; used to influence a conversion from your primary users.
  • Location: Towards the middle of a landing page
  • Character Limits: Title (60 characters), text (170 characters), button text (40 characters)

Default shortcode

[midpagebanner button_text="Button text" button_url="https://www.google.ca/" banner_img="" text="Body text." title="Title text"]


button_text="" -- Set the button text on the banner
button_url="" -- Set the button url on the banner
text="" -- Set the banner text
title="" -- Sets the banner title

Midpage double banner

The Midpage Double Banner adds a banner that contains a banner title, two images, text, quotes and clickable buttons for links (e.g. https://mediastudies.arts.ubc.ca/). It acts similarly to a Midpage Single Banner but allows for more information. This banner is intended for landing pages and will appear midway on the page.

  • Use: Highlight your main objective; mainly for application and newsletter sign up
  • Location: Landing page
  • Character Limit: Title (60 characters), body text (170 characters), button text (40 characters)
  • Recommendation: Intended for very focused units, which have one primary program to highlight. Recommended for the homepage (e.g. Bachelor of Media Studies, Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs)

Default shortcode

[custombanner title=' ' text=' ' banner_img1=" " button_url1=' ' button_text1=' ' quote=' ' author=" " banner_img2=" " button_url2=' ' button_text2=' ']


title="" -- Sets the title heading that appears on the banner
text="" -- Sets the text that appears underneath the banner title, to the left of the first banner image

banner_img1="" -- Sets the first image that appears on the top right side of the banner

banner_img2="" -- Sets the second image that appears on the bottom left side of the banner

quote="" -- Sets the text that appears to the right of the second banner image, underneath the first banner image

author="" -- Sets the author of the quote specified by the quote=’ ‘ parameter

button_url1="" -- Sets the URL link for the button to the left of the first banner image, below the value of the text=’ ‘ parameter. If left empty, default is https://www.google.ca/

button_url2="" -- Sets the URL link for the button to the right of the second banner image, below the value of the quote=’ ‘ and author=’ ‘ parameters. If left empty, default is https://www.google.ca/

button_text1="" -- Sets the text inside the first button, if left empty, default is Learn More

button_text2="" -- Sets the text inside the second button, if left empty, default is View our Alumni

Note: Be careful of leaving any parameter in the shortcode empty as most of the default values may not be useable for your purposes. Fill in all parameters as needed.

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