News and Events List Feed

Create a feed of News and/or Events posts.

  • Use: List either recent news, a specific type of news, or upcoming events; Only the three most recently published items will appear by default with a link to view more news or events
  • Location: Can be used anywhere on the site, but insert closer to the bottom of the page

Default shortcode

List Feed: News

Inserts a single feed that pulls a taxonomy of News posts.

[post_feeds][post_feed post_type="news" heading="Uncategorized News" filter_by="news-category" filter_slug="uncategorized" link_text="" link_url=""][/post_feeds]

List Feed: Events

Inserts a single feed that pulls a taxonomy of Events posts.

[post_feeds][post_feed post_type="event" heading="Upcoming Events" filter_by="" filter_slug="" link_text="" link_url=""][/post_feeds]

List Feed: Double Feeds

Inserts two feeds side-by-side that pull taxonomies of News or Events posts.

[post_feeds][post_feed post_type="news" heading="Uncategorized News" filter_by="news-category" filter_slug="uncategorized" link_text="" link_url=""][post_feed post_type="event" heading="Upcoming Events" filter_by="" filter_slug="" link_text="" link_url=""][/post_feeds]


post_feeds -- begins/ends a set of feeds
post_feed -- begins a single feed
post_type="" -- choose "news" to pull from News posts or "event" to pull from Events posts
heading="" -- sets heading text above feeds
filter_by="" -- set type of taxonomy to display: "news-category", "news-type" or "news-topic" for News; "event-category", "event-type" or "event-topic" for Events
filter_slug="" -- set specific slug that belongs to the chosen taxonomy (e.g. Go to News > Categories in the Dashboard to see list of News categories and their slugs)
link_text="" -- change the default "View All News" link text to a different message (e.g. link_text="View All Related News")
link_url="" -- change the default "/news/" link to a different page URL (e.g. link_url="/news/?topic=research")

*Parameters italicized are optional

On this page