Courses Posts

Courses posts display course information that are synced from current course offerings on Workday. You are also able to add custom course information including course and section descriptions, and syllabi.

How to sync courses

It is recommended to sync your courses at the beginning of each term and when you make any adjustments to current courses in Workday. Syncing will not duplicate or delete any course posts that have already been synced to your site.

If a course has been deleted from Workday, you will need to manually delete it from the website. (see next section “How to edit courses” for instructions)

1. Access course sync settings

  1. In your Dashboard, go to Courses > Sync UBC Courses
  2. Skip to instructions under “4. Sync courses” if the course subjects (and individual course numbers as applicable) are already filled in

2. Select course subjects

  1. Click in the field Choose Course Subjects
  2. Select a course subject
  3. Repeat steps for each additional course subject
  4. Skip to instructions under “4. Sync courses” if you do not need to filter individual course numbers

3. Filter by individual course numbers

This feature is applicable to programs that only require specific course numbers to display from each course subject selected in the previous set of instructions.

  1. Check the box beside Filter by individual course numbers
  2. Beside the course subject codes, fill in the course numbers separated by commas with no space (ie:100,102)

4. Sync courses

  1. Near the top, select a session (Previous, Current, Next)
  2. Click on the Sync button. DO NOT leave the page until the process is complete.

How to edit courses

To edit and remove courses:

  1. In your Dashboard, go to Courses
  2. To override the course description
    1. Select the course you would like to edit
    2. Insert the custom description in the body text field provided
    3. Click Update
  3. To delete a course:
    1. Click the checkbox listed beside the course(s)
    2. Under the “Bulk Actions” drop-down menu, select Move to Trash
    3. Click Apply

How do I add/edit customize course sections

If you would like to add additional information to a course section — such as listing the Teaching Assistants, prerequisites, evaluation criteria, required text, or uploading the syllabus — you can customize your sections with the following fields:

  • Body text: Insert a customized section description if it is different from the course description or add any Teaching Assistants
  • Evaluation: Use this field to include any course requirements and grading details. For example: Final exam (60%), Mid-term (20%), Essay (20%)
  • Syllabus: File upload for the syllabus (PDF recommended)
  • Required Reading(s): Readings and materials required for the course
  • Hide Section: select to hide a section

To modify course sections:

  1. In your Dashboard, go to Courses > Sections
  2. Click on a section to edit
  3. Click on Update to save your changes

Modify the course subject codes and course numbers

If you want to make a change to the course subject codes and/or course numbers that are being displayed on your Arts CMS site, please contact the Arts ISIT Help Desk and we will assist you with your changes.

Please provide us with the specific course subject codes, and specific course numbers (if applicable), that you would like to add or remove from the Course syncing process in your request.

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