Event posts are used to showcase upcoming departmental events. Event posts could include upcoming student events, conferences, seminars, or workshops.
Add and Edit an Event
To add an Event:
- In your Dashboard go to Events (located on the side navigation menu)
- Click on Add New to create a new Event
- Go to Dashboard > Events, and click on Add New
To edit an existing Event:
- In your Dashboard go to Events
- A list of events will be displayed on the screen. Click on your event post to edit it. You can also use the search bar at the top of the page to quickly find your event within the list
- Go to Dashboard > Events. Click on the name of an event to edit it.
What are the different taxonomies?
Similar to News, Event posts can be organized by four kinds of taxonomies: types, topics, categories, and tags.
Learn more about the different taxonomies available on Arts CMS and when to apply them to your Events posts.
What are Featured Images?
The event items preview — as seen on the archive page, in list feeds, and as a featured item — will always display the event title, date, time, location, RSVP, and a featured image.
Featured Images are the main image associated with your event. A default image will appear if no featured image is selected. The featured image will not appear in the body of the post but will appear in the event item preview. If you would like the same featured image to appear in the body of the post, you must insert the image by using the Embedded Image module.
Insert embedded image modules to News and Event posts to add a variety of visual elements.
How do I use the Registration feature?
Event posts allow users to add an “RSVP” option for attendees to register or buy tickets to the event. This option is located below the event description section under the heading Mark Event As. You can set four different statuses for your event:
- Free: Indicated that the event is free to attend
- RSVP: Displays an area where you can paste a link for attendees to reserve a spot
- Buy Tickets: Displays an area where you can paste a link for attendees to purchase tickets
- Sold Out: Indicates that the event has sold out and no more tickets can be purchased
How do I set the date and time?
The dates, time, and location of an event can be set in the Event details fields, which is located below the event description box. There are several fields you can modify:
- Start Date/Time and End Date/Time: The day or duration of the event
- Recurrences: Indicates whether the events will be repeated on a different date
- Note that repeat occurrences will create duplicate event posts in the Events archive page
- It’s recommended to include an until date, but also fill in the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time accordingly as well
- Include/Exclude occurrences function will not work until the event post has been saved/published
- Venues: the location of the event
Tip: Since users have the option to add these event posts to their personal calendars, you can change the “author” of the post to another administrator listed in the drop-down box. The author will appear in the “organizer” field of the calendar event.
What is a footer event feed?
The footer (bottom) area of the event post displays other event posts that are either Upcoming Events or Related Events.
- Upcoming Events: Displays all upcoming event posts
- Related Events: Displays specific event posts by selecting a related word from Type, Topic, Categories, or Tags
How do I feature Events on my site?
The Event Feeds and Featured Item modules enable users to display a list of upcoming event post previews on specific pages of their website.
Event Feeds can either display all upcoming event posts or display specific upcoming event posts by using Types. For example, if you want to display upcoming student events on your Undergraduate page, you would insert a List Feed module and insert the type, “student”.
Featured Items can display your most important or targeted upcoming event posts on specific pages by using categories. For example, if you want to display a major upcoming student event on your Undergraduate page, you would assign that event post a “featured undergraduate” category and insert the Featured Item module on the Undergraduate page.