Alumni Profiles Posts

Alumni profiles are a specific post type that displays alumni information in a grid view and individual profile, similar to the Profiles archive with options to filter by program, industry, graduating year, and UBC experiences & involvement.

How to edit profiles

You can edit a profile by going to Alumni Profiles in the Dashboard, and find the desired profile by searching their name in the search bar to the top-right area of the screen and clicking on it.

Alternatively, if you are logged into the site, you can access a profile from the front/user-facing end and click the “Edit Alumni Profile” button at the top of your screen along the Dashboard bar.

Adding/editing content can be done in the visual or text editor. Once you are happy with your content, click Publish.

Tip: Refer to our content best practices and use styling tools to make your content more scannable for users.

Alumni profile fields

The Alumni Profile Fields will display basic personal information about the alumni on the left-hand side of their profile under their profile picture. In these fields you can enter information about their degree, current job title and employer, hometown, current location, other education, UBC awards, UBC experiences & involvement, as well as any personal websites or social media profiles.

Right sidebar fields

The Right Sidebar Fields are used to categorize your profile on the main Alumni profile page. These are similar to categories, types, and topics that you would see in News and Events posts.

The common fields that come with Alumni Profiles are Programs, Industries, Graduating Years, and UBC Experiences & Involvement. For each alumni profile, select the appropriate checkboxes in each category. This helps with the user experience as it organizes alumni profiles on the profile archive view.

Profile pictures

A profile picture can be added or changed by setting a picture as the profile’s Featured Image.

To set a profile picture:

  • Within your profiles, navigate to Featured Image and click on “set featured image” to upload a picture from your computer.
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